Is rape making my bees angry?

posted in: Bees and Honey | 0

My last couple of inspections I have found that a colony that has always been quite placid and easy to handle has become very aggressive. Last week took me by surprise as the bees poured out of the hive despite my smoking them and surrounded me in a cloud. Constantly banging against my face shield and repeatedly trying to sting through my protective clothing.

Spring Beekeeping Jobs

posted in: Bees and Honey | 0

With swarm control in mind I spent the afternoon sorting out all my spare beekeeping equipment, ensuring I have spare hives available in case I need to artificially swarm a colony at short notice. Everything was spread out in the sunshine, checked over and cleaned. Two spare hives were assembled including supers. Anything I was short of was listed for ordering.

Bee Important……

posted in: Bees and Honey | 0 Following a meeting at the Royal Geographical Society in London, United Kingdom the Earthwatch Institute declared bees the most important living beings on this Planet, however, according to wildlife experts & scientists many bees have joined the long list of Endangered species πŸ With so much about … Continued

Hungry Bees

posted in: Bees and Honey | 0

It’s late winter and like many beekeepers I start to get a little nervous about what may be happening inside my hives. Storms Ciara, Dennis and this weekend Jorge have made just earning a living for myself a challenge with … Continued