33 Uses For Beeswax That Go Beyond Candle Making
While bees and their remarkable raw honey generally get a lot of buzzingly good press, we often lose sight of the other amazing gifts they have to offer.
2020 was a better year than you think
Aconite, the first of all.
It is always an absolute tonic to me when signs of Spring appear and the reassurance of the green shoots of the early flowers reveal to us that they are waiting in the wings and ready to put on their show no matter what.
A Few Winter Jobs
With livestock however comes a few responsibilities which can’t be escaped and our chicken pen has become due a good clean out, so we did venture out briefly to tackle that today.
Woody’s Welcome Return
We were also very pleased to see the return of a Great Spotted Woodpecker to our peanut feeder this morning too. Coincidentally it was only a couple of days ago we were discussing the fact we hadn’t seen him in a while.
This is superb.
I just came across this on the internet and thought I would share it with you. I think this is so talented.
Frosty Frustrations
Myself and Chelle have had some great winter walks on crisp frozen mornings and some very pleasant evenings in front of the fire too. The weather just feels kind of ‘right’ for January.
A Bowlful of Cheer
I have always loved their ostentatious appearance and heady scent at a time of year when a bit of a boost is needed to help you through post-Christmas gloom and set you well on your way to that first glimpse of lengthening days or the first snowdrop checking in to Spring
Big Garden Bird Watch
Why not take a look. We will be taking part in Smithy Brook.
Moorhen Heists and Kingfisher Whispering.
The table and feeders have a constant stream of hungry beaks belonging to all the usual candidates waiting their turn to tuck into the meal of the day, but it is always a special pleasure when the ‘Brooksiders’ leave their watery haunts and choose to join us.