Summer Bees
It’s always a sign that spring is in the air and the beekeeping season is about to get started when the Thorne catalogue lands on our doormat.
Adventures in growing our own food, raising livestock and beekeeping on less than one acre
It’s always a sign that spring is in the air and the beekeeping season is about to get started when the Thorne catalogue lands on our doormat.
As a beekeeper with a store cupboard full of last seasons honey I was bound to take my pancake pleasure with some of the liquid gold sweetness of summer 2020.
With the bitter cold weather and snow fall of the last couple of weeks it’s been difficult to get much done.
He knows no winter he who loves the soil…
£163.00. Not bad for the bounty of veg and salads we should achieve over the summer with this lot.
As often happens with coniferous trees in these conditions the branch didn’t actually snap of but did split along it’s length severely weakening it.
We’re not short of trees in Smithy Brook so I had no trouble finding good locations for them.
It’s a man thing….
While bees and their remarkable raw honey generally get a lot of buzzingly good press, we often lose sight of the other amazing gifts they have to offer.
2020 was a better year than you think