Shutting the stable door….

posted in: In The Garden, In The Garden | 0

The old pre motorway freight roads over the pennines are a lovely drive, passing through many old mill towns and offering fantastic views on the higher reaches. Although visibility was poor due to the heavy rain and thick fog on the tops it was still an enjoyable drive back – although a little worrying at times as the winds got stronger on the higher sections.

Is rape making my bees angry?

posted in: Bees and Honey | 0

My last couple of inspections I have found that a colony that has always been quite placid and easy to handle has become very aggressive. Last week took me by surprise as the bees poured out of the hive despite my smoking them and surrounded me in a cloud. Constantly banging against my face shield and repeatedly trying to sting through my protective clothing.

Hopi Prophecy

posted in: Bit o' Banter | 0

Everything is spiritual, everything has a spirit, everything was brought here by the creator, the one creator. Some people call him God, some people call him Buddha, some people call him Allah, some people call him other names. We call him Tunkaschila… Grandfather.

My Poor Greenhouse!

posted in: In The Garden, In The Garden | 0

My poor greenhouse has taken a bit of a battering over the winter months. My grounds maintenance company uses a large 15 foot long beavertail plant trailer that we tow behind a transit tipper. Turning this around is quite a skill at the best of times. Reversing it in the dark on our small holding, away from the streetlights is a nightmare.